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Typical Chapter Meeting Agenda

Chapter meetings typically include activities such as:

  • Guest Speakers - who make presentations on career related topics. Recent topics have included Mid-career Retooling, Job Search Organizing, Time Management, and Listening Skills.

    Our speakers are senior level experts in their respective fields and donate their time to help others going through a job transition. Many are widely-recognized lecturers, consultants, and authors. Hearing them provides an education that isn't available anywhere else at any price. Most are former PAPEN attendees who have gone through extensive periods of unemployment themselves. Several re-invented themselves and started new career paths that were better suited to their interests and goals.

  • Networking - in a focus group with other PAPEN Participants having similar interests. This includes practicing the personal presentation known as the "two minute drill"; where Participants describe themselves, their professional accomplishments, and the kind of work they are seeking.

    The drill is part of your personal advertising campaign, and is a presentation typically made in a networking interview. A good one will succeed in creating specific images in the mind of listeners, which will increase their interest in helping you with your job search. When you practice your drill at a meeting, other Participants can critique it and offer constructive advice.

  • Review of Job Leads - received recently from local employers or recruiters. Other attendees will also share with you information such as networking tips, job search tips, upcoming job fair schedules, success stories and contacts within the organization as well as in related organizations.

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PA Professional Employment Network